The prevalence of some degree of ambiguity of external genitalia is an alarming 1%. This path of
development in mother's womb is entirely dependent on a set of hormones which at any stage in development
can fail to carry out destined function resulting in
This unfortunate scenario has endangered many a child's lives, and we now know how to immediately, on child's birth detect the actual sex and determine the sex of rearing to best complement the adult ability to 'copulate and procreate'.
So we as doctors and lay people should come forward and prevent the unfortunate custom of neglecting an intersex child who otherwise is absolutely competent to grow and lead a normal life with hormonal therapy which can be afforded by every strata of society. Hence, we have to realize that a child with incompletely formed genitalia like for eg: absence of one or both testes in scrotum, or a small size penis or a stream of urine failing to pass as in a normal
male or a child with a female appearance but a larger than normal clitoris or, a child with a thick pigmented labial fold, etc need not suffer the stigma and end up being hidden from everyone, rather the child can mature as a healthy adult provided the parents and doctors alike address the issue on the day of birth itself, thereby correcting the hormonal disorder which can in some cases, if not treated, lead to loss of life.