REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITY, INFERTILITY, SEXOLOGY (IS A BRANCH OF ENDOCRINOLOGY DEALING WITH COITAL PROBLEMS, ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, ORGASMIC DYSFUNCTION, INAPPROPRIATE MILK SECRETION, ETC.)Both men and women possess a set of hormones alluded to earlier that determine sexual growth and there by, result in normal menstrual cycles in women and normal erectile function in man. Any defect in menstrual regularity and erectile capability will therefore warrant an early clinical check as the essential common hormonal disorders like, hypothyroidism or prolactin excess or gonadal dysfunction in its primary form are often responsible and can be easily corrected in their early stages.

However, as all hormones are mutually interlinked, one ought to know what to ask for, 'before a test', than ask a question after a test. Erection in man and the orgasmic delight are to a large part, dependent on neuronal and hormonal synchrony in effects. This also requires an intact responsive vasculature. Any erectile defect hence may portend a devastating hormonal/ vascular/ neuronal disease.

Similarly in women, persistent irregularity of cycles may be a harbinger of future infertility, hypertension, diabetes, cancer of breast, endometrium etc. Catching hold of the disease before it has ensnared the body prevents long term sequelae.