Bone is analogous to an Rcc pillar of a building. the iron rods of Rcc are the bones architecture. The concrete of Rcc is the bones calcium, phosphorus and other minerals. The glue holding these minerals together and making provision for more cementing is vitamin D.
Hence, any defect in amount of calcium or phosphorus or vitamin D will be analogous to defective cement resulting in a brittle construction i.e. bone which can easily bend/fracture. The causes for defect in either the calcium or phosphorus may lie in the gut or in the kidney, or is related to total acid content of our body and the kidneys ability to excrete this load. These conditions will manifest
very similar to nutritional problems but treatment strategy is totally different. The health of the bone is a long-term affair and relieving the pain in bones is only the beginning of therapy and not the end, as is usually thought by many.